Friday 1 July 2011

Perfect Skin Diet for You

Healthy skin diet is the golden rule for clear beautiful skin. What you eat today affects how you will look today and for the years to come. Healthy food rich in nutrients, proteins and carbohydrates will make your skin look fresh and feel great.

Include raw, steamed or grilled vegetables in your diet.

Fresh fruits like mangoes, oranges, pineapple, grapes, watermelon are excellent for the health of your skin.

Cook your food in extra-virgin olive oil and macadamia nut oil.

Include small amounts of whole-grain foods.

Your diet must have foods that contain proteins as these help in repairing body tissues. Consuming foods rich in proteins make your skin and hair healthy and beautiful.

If you are vegetarian, make sure your diet includes soya beans, sprouts, milk, cheese and beans.
Try to avoid oily, junk food. Stay away from processed foods. These are not only bad for your health but also your skin.

Avoid all white foods like white bread, pasta and baked goods.

You must include a little fat in your diet as it is vital for good circulation and soft skin.
Drink at least 5 cups of fluids daily. It can be fresh fruit juices, carrot juice, soups, green tea etc. Make sure you drink at least 10 glasses of water daily.