Friday 15 July 2011

Food for Healthy Skin

There are times when it may seems like your skin is impossible to mange, especially when you wake up and find a huge pimple on your cheek or forehead. The good news is you can have a spotless looking skin with a well balanced diet. You just need to ensure that your diet is rich in vitamins and proteins for a beautiful, healthy skin.

Here are some food tips for healthy skin:

• Raw vegetables like carrot, tomato, cucumber are excellent for your skin texture.
• Also include green leafy vegetables like spinach, cabbage, gourd, French beans, green beans, peas, capsicum, lemon etc in your daily diet.
• At least have two amlas in a day.

• Drink one glass of lemon water. You can also add one tablespoon of lemon in it.
• Include fresh citrus fruits and fresh leafy vegetables in your diet.
• Use face wash and body wash for cleaning face and body.
• Make sure you apply moisturizer after bathing (whole body and face).
• Stay away from junk and fried food.
• Make sure you have at least one plate of sprouted cereals in a day.
• Drink at least 10 glasses of water in a day. It will flushes out toxins from your body.
• Have fresh seasonal fruits like apple, litchi, pear, papaya, mango, guava etc.
• You must have green salad or raw vegetables twice a day. You can include tomato, carrot, cabbage, coriander in your salad.