Monday, 11 July 2011

Makeup Essentials Routine for Healthy Skin

We all want to have youthful glowing skin. Most people think it is really expensive affair to get that flawless skin because one either needs to undergo costly skin treatments or spend thousands of rupees on rejuvenating creams, moisturizers and other beauty cosmetics. Believe it or not, the key to healthy skin has been in front of you all the time. In this blog, you will find simple tips to enhance the natural beauty of your face.

We have given basic rules which are the backbone of right makeup application.
Cleanse/Scrub Your Face: Our face is exposed to harsh winds, rain, damaging sun rays, air pollution which forms dead cells on the surface of our skin. Invest in a gentle face wash to fight these factors. Wash your face at least thrice a day. Make sure you scrub your face thoroughly at least once a week. Make sure you wash and tone your face before going to bed.

Tip: Take a little amount of face wash on your finger and gently massage into skin for a minute and risen off with warm water.

Toner: Now that you are done with your face scrub, don’t forget to use a good toner. It closes skin pores and your skin feels fresh and clean. Choose a toner that suits your skin type. There are different toners for different skin types (dry, oily, combination). Apply toner with cotton.

Moisturizer: This is the most essential step to healthy, glowing skin. Use a good moisturizer to hydrate your skin to keep it nourished and clear. Make sure your moisturizer has built in SPF 15 to block out harmful sun rays. The more you moisturize, the younger and fresher your skin look. Apply your moisturizer before applying your cosmetics and before going to bed. Drink at least eight glasses of water to cleanse your body of unwanted toxins.

Make a statement with flawless and nourished looking skin!!!