Tuesday 13 December 2011

Natural Ways to Treat Freckles

The lemon juice or orange juice is considered to be extremely effective when it comes to removing freckles. All you need to do is mix the juice with some curd. Blend them well together. Apply this on your face evenly and allow it to dry for about half an hour. Wash it off with cold water. This will visibly reduce the freckle by making them lighter. Apply this thrice a week.

Go for natural bleach instead of the regular ones which contains chemicals. Not many know that radish (not the most favorite vegetable) is a great bleaching agent as well! All you need to do is Remove Freckle with a radish. Radish is a great natural bleaching agent. So take one radish, and grate it finely. Mix it with lemon juice and apply it evenly on your face. Let it dry for twenty minutes. Massage and rub before washing it off with cold water. You will notice that your freckles have visibly lightened and it will remove the black heads effectively.