Sunday 4 December 2011

Food Items to Prevent Signs of Early Ageing

Nothing can be more devastating for any woman then to have an early signs of ageing. Once we cross 25, our skin began to show early signs of ageing like fine lines, dark spots and wrinkles. There are many beauty care products that assure you to help you get rid of this skin issue. But most of them cannot serve the purpose and leave us with complete disappointment. However, the only one thing that we can do on to prevent early signs of ageing is good food items. We all know that what we eat, it reflects on our face. Hence, it becomes very essential to eat good and healthy food items. You require drinking good amount of water, preferably 8 glasses a day to keep all the sign of ageing at bay.

You can consider eating food items like avocado, barely green leafy vegetables, carrots, oranges, soya meal, milk & milk products etc are excellent to tackle with early signs of ageing. Apart, from this also eat dark chocolate as it’s an excellent anti ageing food.