Wednesday 30 November 2011

Choose the Right Foundation

Foundation is one of the most beloved makeup products that a majority of women use to look flawless and beautiful. However, color selection plays an important role to get beautiful, spotless face. Broadly, foundation can be found in three types - liquid foundation, cream foundation and powder foundation.

Liquid foundation is ideal for women who want to achieve a natural makeup look. Dab a little foundation and blend it well into your skin. If you have got oily skin, you should choose oil-based foundation, while women with dry skin should choose oil-based foundations. Be sure the foundation you choose goes well with the natural tone of your skin.

Most professional makeup artists swear by cream formulas. These come in stick and compact forms and offer an excellent coverage.
Powder foundations are excellent product for women who hardly have any time to apply makeup. These come in compact form. Such foundations are ideal for women with oily skin.

Click here to find some tips on how to apply foundation on your face.

Friday 25 November 2011

Quick Makeup Tips for Girls

Girls are very choosy about their makeup application. They like to give as much as time possible for makeup. But it becomes a bedlam situation when they need to apply makeup quickly. It becomes very difficult to decide on which exact product to apply and which to skip. Following are some tips that can help you apply makeup instantly.

Start with applying compact powder, skip foundation and concealer as they both take time to settle on the skin. After the coverage is done, go on to apply eye makeup and accentuate your eyes with eye liner, eye shadow and mascara if needed. For lip makeup skip lipstick and liner, and just keep your lips covered with lip gloss. You can apply blush, but make sure it is not creamy in texture. Go for the lighter one, apply all the makeup products in such a way that reapplication is not required. 

Wednesday 23 November 2011

Makeup to beautify you

Makeup has certain rules that can help you in a big way to beautify yourself. There are certain makeup products that you can use and get the best looks for yourself. Makeup products like foundation, lipstick, lip gloss, eye liner that you just can’t miss on. You should know the well trick of using this products and accentuating your looks. There is always process that you need to follow for good results.

You should start with the coverage, apply foundation and concealer. Make sure that it blends well with each other. In case, you are looking for lighter coverage, just apply compact powder. After the coverage is done, go on to apply blush. The shade can be of your choice. Once you’re done with blush, apply eye makeup and bring in use of eye liner, eye shadow and mascara. For lip makeup, use lipstick, lip gloss and lip liner.

Tuesday 22 November 2011

Quick Makeup Tips for Teenage Girls

Teenage years are considered as one of the most stressful time in every girl’s life. This is the time when she goes through a lot of changes. She becomes really conscious about the way she appears and wants to experiment with her looks.

All of a sudden, the makeup world starts fascinating her. Check out few quick makeup tips and tricks for teenage girls:

Teenage girls should select bright and neutral makeup tones. It looks more natural and enhances their natural beauty.

For more feminine look, makeup shades like pinks, beige, grey are an excellent choice.

Young girls should avoid using lipsticks as they make them appear older than their actual age. Choose lip gloss over lipsticks.

Skin during teenage years is really sensitive. So make sure you go for minimal makeup. You should avoid using harsh chemicals on your skin.

Natural cosmetics that contain natural ingredients can be an excellent option for teenage girls.

You can simply apply kajal to achieve more natural look.

Make sure you cleanse, tone and moisturize your skin before applying any makeup.

Saturday 19 November 2011

Accessories that can worn with Makeup

Accessorizing ourselves is always a great idea, as it helps to make adorn our look in a more pronounced way. There are different types of accessories that you can consider to wear with your makeup. Majorly accessories like metallic earrings, bangles, belts, neck pieces, foot wear etc.

The best way to accentuate any kind of makeup is to look as simple as possible. For instance, if you have done a dramatic makeup, don’t over accessorize yourself. Where else when you have done natural makeup, you can consider of wearing glitzy jewelry. You should to pair your clothes and makeup with good footwear. Pumps can be a good option, but also consider wearing heels, flats etc as per your dress. Your belt can also stand out, if you wish as they also highlight your personality. You should well to team up your accessories, and should carry it well. 

Thursday 17 November 2011

Beautiful Looks for You

Beauty is desired by every one of us. We always crave for that perfect glowing skin. There are many products that are available in market which promises us to give that stunning beauty. But the question lies is that how much are these claims of cosmetics products really reliable. However, there some natural means that never disappoint you bless you with marvelous results. They transform your dullness into impeccable beauty. You just need to inculcate some basic tips to make your glowing at the same time.

Essentially, you need to pay proper attention to your beauty enhancement for which you are required to eat really well. You can skip your lunch or dinner. Drink adequate amount of water, and indulge in proper exercises. Try to lead a stress free life and devote at least an hour everyday for a thing that you really admire to do. Stay away from smoking and drinking.

Wednesday 16 November 2011

Hair care tips that you should follow

Hair needs a lot of care and we cannot afford to avoid them. Proper nourishment is required for your hair to grow properly. As hair is the crowning glory for your beauty, you need to be extra cautious while dealing with your hair. You should know the right way to take proper care of your hair and most importantly you should keep care of the products that you should avoid in your hair care regimen. 

The most essential way to take proper care of hair is by oiling them after proper intervals. Make sure to wash your hair at least thrice a week and make sure that the shampoo you’re using for the same doesn’t contain heavy chemicals. Don’t use conditioner after washing your hair. Keep yourself away from various products like hair dyes and creams. Use more natural based mild products for hair nourishment.  Be considerate in healthy food items as even they contribute for your hair growth.

Thursday 10 November 2011

Natural makeup Tips

Natural makeup is one of the simplest forms of makeup that can be done by you. It is not at all time consuming, and give results instantly. A little stroke here and there can give you complete natural yet gorgeous look. Natural makeup generally doesn’t demand all the makeup tools. There are only certain makeup tools that are required to accentuate your beauty naturally.

Following are the tips to naturally apply makeup for your skin.

To start with natural makeup, you consider skipping eye shadow, bronzer, shimmer, lip liner completely. You just need a light tinted foundation and concealer for your base makeup. After this for your eyes you can apply simple eyeliner thin line, and one coat of mascara. Similarly, for lips nothing is much that is required, and all you need a nude shade lipstick and a lip gloss. You can wear lip gloss alone, or over the lipstick as per your choice.

Tuesday 8 November 2011

Makeup for Various Occasions

Any woman who wishes to enhance her beauty can easily to do so with the help of makeup. Nowadays, there are many makeup products that have been introduced in market. All these products are formulated in such a manner that they not only help in emphasizing our looks but also help to nourish skin. Prominent makeup products that forms the essentials in our makeup kit is mainly foundation, concealer, face powder, primer, bronzer, shimmer, eyeliner, lipstick, lip liner, mascara, blush and lip gloss. All these products very beautifully make our features prominent and embellish them.

The essential part that we need to take into account is that we should apply makeup according to the occasions. For instance, if you’re going for an evening cocktail party, consider applying dramatic makeup. On the other hand for some official meeting or event apply a subtle makeup which is very natural. In case you are out for a normal shopping then apply makeup which is more in neutral tone and is little matte.

Monday 7 November 2011

Know how to Choose & Apply Lip Gloss

Lip gloss is one of the most favorite makeup tools for women and girls. These are the most simple makeup product that can be seamlessly applied on any type of lips. Lip gloss is generally first preference by many women over lipstick. The reason being is that lip gloss are nowadays available in various light neutral colors and come in various irresistible flavors. Nevertheless, how much ever this product is easy to apply; you need to know the right way of application for that flawless finish for your lips. 

Here are few easy tricks and steps on how to apply and choose lip gloss:

  • The very first thing that comes in lip gloss application is that, choose the shade and flavor that you would like to accentuate your lips with. 
  • Now decide on whether you want to apply lip gloss alone or over your lipstick. If looking for natural look, it’s advisable to wear it alone. 
  • Finally, seamlessly apply lip gloss, and make sure that it properly covers your entire lip portion. 

Tuesday 1 November 2011

Step by Step Makeup Application

Many of the women take a lot of time to groom their selves and spend hours in front of mirror. They want to do makeup with all precision and detailing. But in real sense, if you know the right technique to apply the makeup, you would definitely not require so much time to groom yourself. You should just know few tips to make the whole process very easy going. Essentially, you should well acquaint with what is the first makeup tool that you need to apply and first and with which product you should conclude your makeup.

It is always right to start your makeup with application of foundation primer and then foundation. Once you are done with this, go on to apply the blush and then jump over your eyes accentuation. As your eye makeup is done, start with your lip makeup and apply all the products very precisely and neatly. Remember grooming can always be fun provided you follow the right technique of makeup application and do it step by step.