Tuesday 22 November 2011

Quick Makeup Tips for Teenage Girls

Teenage years are considered as one of the most stressful time in every girl’s life. This is the time when she goes through a lot of changes. She becomes really conscious about the way she appears and wants to experiment with her looks.

All of a sudden, the makeup world starts fascinating her. Check out few quick makeup tips and tricks for teenage girls:

Teenage girls should select bright and neutral makeup tones. It looks more natural and enhances their natural beauty.

For more feminine look, makeup shades like pinks, beige, grey are an excellent choice.

Young girls should avoid using lipsticks as they make them appear older than their actual age. Choose lip gloss over lipsticks.

Skin during teenage years is really sensitive. So make sure you go for minimal makeup. You should avoid using harsh chemicals on your skin.

Natural cosmetics that contain natural ingredients can be an excellent option for teenage girls.

You can simply apply kajal to achieve more natural look.

Make sure you cleanse, tone and moisturize your skin before applying any makeup.