Tuesday 4 October 2011

Makeup for all seasons

Every season calls for different beauty regime. A unique style, technique and type of makeup need to be comprehended from various climatic and weather conditions. Winter makeup may look very gusty wherelse makeup in monsoon can be difficult to manage, while an inappropriate makeup for summers may leave a person looking quite pale and colorless.

As per the season changes you need to update your foundation. Because our skin tone changes slightly from month to month, using the same shade of foundation is not going to do your makeup justice. Shade that a too light for a dark complexion will bring ashen effect on your skin. Darker foundation on pale skin can look completely uneven. However, for those who suffer from acne prone complexions, you can turn to a lighter foundation to conceal redness or breakouts. When it comes to eye makeup, you can always go for warm color trend eye shadow colors that are light and fresh. 

This vogue goes well with all seasons. Brown mascara is great for finishing off a warm complexion as opposed to overly dramatic black mascara. But make sure in monsoon your cosmetics are water proof or otherwise it will smudge on your face leaving a blemish appearance.