Monday 6 June 2011

Beauty is Priceless

Often you have been judged by your clothes, jewelry, your makeup, your shoes or your new hairstyle. You might have received compliments from your friends and family members when you wear a stunning new designer outfit or flaunt a new diamond ring. This simply signifies that people evaluate and rate you on the bases of your expensive accessories and outfits.

They forget that clothes and jewelry are just an extension of your personality. Beauty is within you!!! It is priceless. If you are beautiful from inside, you automatically look beautiful from outside. A healthy mind and flawless skin is the foundation of your beauty and makeup can magically transform your image and boosts your confidence. It changes the way you feel and the way you look.

So what are you doing to maintain your inner beauty, outer beauty and of course healthy mind? In today’s busy life, we hardly have time to go to parlors or go through expensive skin treatments. So it makes it all more important to follow a healthy diet for a healthy beautiful skin.

Here are some simple beauty tips that you can follow anytime no matter how busy you are:

Eliminate oily and junk food from your diet. Eat at least three a day. Make sure you include fresh fruits and salad in your daily diet.

Maintain a regular exercise routine. If you don’t have time to go to gym, go for a walk at least for 20 minutes four days a week.

Drink at least 10 glasses of water in a day for glowing, spotless skin. This will flush out the toxins from the body.

Go for less makeup beauty products in summer. Let your skin breath.

Sleep at least 6-7 hours a day. Your skin needs to rest too.

Don’t miss a single chance to smile. A smiling face wins many hearts and you look naturally beautiful.